
Papers by researchers, scholars, PhD students, professionals, consultants, representatives of local and public administrations etc. should address the general theme of the Conference. They should refer to theoretical issues, empirical work, field research, special activities, case studies, promotional campaigns etc. that can contribute to new ideas and good practices. It is suggested that papers focus on one (or more) of the central theme tracks (and not act as promotional material for specific corporate projects, products and services).
Note that each presenter can only present 2 papers maximum.

Student Sessions

Papers from undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as PhD Students, will be organized in special sessions. The presenters of this category have the privilege to participate with the reduced fee of €40. Those interested are requested to send abstracts until December 19, 2016.


Abstract Submission (new deadline): 19/12/2016
Notification of Acceptance: 16/01/2017
Full papers’ and revised abstracts’ submission for inclusion in the conference proceedings: 20/02/2017
Early registration (reduced fees and for inclusion in the conference programme): 28/02/2017

  1. Place Marketing and Place Branding as tools for the development of cities and regions
  2. The role of civil society in Place Marketing and Place Branding procedures: Participatory planning, partner coordination and conflict resolution
  3. Cultural heritage, creativity and cultural institutions as contributors to the Promotion of Place Identity
  4. The effects of festivals and special events on place and city image
  5. Management and destination promotion in the context of sustainable tourism development
  6. Place Marketing and Place Branding for the attraction of investments and businesses
  7. Implementation and impact evaluation of Place Marketing and Place Branding procedures
  8. Place Image (architecture, urban design, communication design, logo design)
  9. Research tools and strategic evaluation methods
  10. Nation Branding and International Diplomacy
  11. Place e-marketing. Social networking. International networks
  12. Landscape and Identity
  13. Image and identity of Greek cities

Abstracts can be submitted in Greek or English. The maximum length of the main text of abstract should be 250-350 words. The margins of the page should be specified in 2,5cm (top-bottom, right-left). The font used can be Times New Roman 11 pt. for the whole text except for the title, which should be bold capital Times New Roman 12 pt.

The abstract should include:

  1. the title,
  2. 3-5 keywords, and
  3. 3-10 references

In order to submit an abstract, authors are asked to use the abstract model provided.

Note that each presenter can only present 2 papers maximum.

Full paper submission is optional and is necessary only for inclusion of the paper in the conference proceedings. Full papers can be submitted in Greek or English until the 20th of February 2017 and according to the instructions, defined by the Organising Committee.

Note that a full paper can also be submitted in case of a poster presentation.

In the links below you can find all the relevant information .
Download Format Standards for Full Papers
Download the Full Paper Model

Presenters can present their paper with a hanging poster, following prior submission of an abstract within the given deadline. Full paper submission is optional. Posters are not emailed or submitted through the online submission system, but handed to the Conference Secretariat on Conference Opening Day.

Download Poster’s Format
Download the Title Zone

In order to submit a paper, presenters should follow the abstract and full paper models are provided. Note that each presenter only can present two papers maximum.

The abstracts and full papers are submitted through the paper submission system. Please follow the instructions:

  1. Enter the paper submission system from here
  2. Sign up, giving your name and surname, user name identical with your email, and password with at least 7 characters.
  3. Activate your account following the instructions you will be sent by email.
  4. After activating your account, you will be able to sign in with the username (email) and password you provided and submit one or more abstracts, at any time until the submissions deadline.
  5. To submit a new abstract, after signing in, open the ‘Participant’ link from the menu of the system and navigate to ‘New submission’
  6. Fill in all the necessary information, i.e. all authors, paper title, keywords, type of presentation (oral or poster), the suggested track (s), and upload the abstract (file types accepted: PDF, DOC, DOCX and ODF).
  7. In the menu choice ‘My Submissions’ you can check your submitted abstracts and, after notification of acceptance,, you can see the judges’ evaluation and proceed to the submission of a revised version (if needed) and/or a full paper.

Information available soon…

Information available soon…